At last, we’re gonna show some doors to the world.

So, FilterForge time again, open up our Dungeon Doors filter.

Here is the secret third handle I made, the shadow, and a shadow made with and without hatch as well, blending the handles together with the door using Blend components. The Blend component is very fast, and can be used to create static colors, for example.

Here I use Blend components to add handles and hatch to our door piece. Now you know why I just didn’t call it a day yesterday.

And here I use Blend components to add the shadows beneath the doors, shadows are important when you are using the items for maps.

And here is the Switch component where you can choose between hatch and no hatch. Both Switch components are controlled by the same Checkbox component.

And, finally and at last, the Result component. See, this door looks like greytale’s door without being a pure clone.

And, to please everyone, I will here post six different doors, three with hatch and three without.

So, I’m almost done  with this, but I got this extra ordinary stupid idea that, I’ll show you tomorrow.


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