Today, we’re gonna act like plumbers and add some pipes to our radiator.

So, back into Cheetah3D again. We create a cylinder that we shape like a pipe, and set the polygon count on the sides to 50, we want it to bend smoothly.

So, let us play with the Bend tool, and bend the pipe. I can say that bending a pipe in real life is much harder and tend to always over or under bend, thats why I always hire a plumber instead of pretending to be the handy man. With the bend tool, we crate a perfect 90 degrees bend.

We make a copy of that pipe, and create a box and then use a Boolean remove to remove some parts of that pipe.

We place both our pipes in position, boolean join everything together, and then use another box and a boolean remove to cut the pipes at the imaginary floor.

So, we now got a heater with perfect plumbing, so what do we need to do tomorrow?

I think we will make textures tomorrow 😉


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