I’m so happy to announce that 4Eyes roleplaying was awarded a Golden Pawn for Best Unpublished RPG Adventure Scenario (or Non-Commercial).

I promise to post a picture of the actual golden pawn when it arrives.

Thank everyone who voted for 4Eyes!





Most of you have no clue what the BWC is, and that is because it’s a very secret organization, or not. It’s really just a few of us on the DAZ Members Only Forum who happened to make bald wizards some weeks ago for the weekly members challenge, so one of us, I think it was diviens, who said “Now I’m also a member of the Bald Wizards Club“.

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by admin

I’ve updated the zip archive for Lurking Dangers – Heart Of The Jungle, had zipped the wrong pdf, it only contained the handouts.

That’s what happens when you try to do too many things at the same time.


I’ve just released two more adventures for Operation: Fallen Reich.

Lurking Dangers – Where Gorillas Roar

Lurking Dangers – Heart Of The Jungle


Enjoy them!

/ Totte



We’re still making this prison cell bench using Cheetah3D, and we’re getting somewhere I think. This object should not only look good in 2D but in 3D too.

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