So, today, more mapmaking, but we start out by creating a broken bench. I needed that for a map, and I thought that this was a good one to show.
First we fire up good old reliable Cheetah3D, as usual.You might have another 3D modeling application, use that one as the concepts are similar, just the way you do things are different.
Hello, I’ve got a new toy yesterday to play with. Daniel (who probably got tired of me whining about not having the right financial state at the moment to purchase ImageSynth) got it for me, so I could play a little.
More mapping today folks, and something we don’t have a draft for, so we’re gonna work creative today. One of the things when creating a map, no matter if you draw a draft by hand or work in your favorite program, the map always needs to have some grounds to stand on, it has to connect to the world, unless it is a map of a strange plane of cause.
Today we’re gonna make the encounter disposition for the level seven adventure. We base this on the disposition we did yesterday, but change some of the encounter difficulties, but now all.
Today, we’re not gonna draw so much, but spend the time making an encounter disposition, so we can finish the adventure. A disposition is very good as we need to define encounter levels and treasure parcels for the different ecnounters.
Ok, more DM maps of the cellars today. I will also do something completely different, render a curtain again. The folks back at Dundjinni forum seems to like my curtains, I will will make another version today.
More DM maps today, making DM maps for the rooms in the cellar, one by one.
Time for the DM map of the cellar.This part is more fluff, but depending on adventure level, 1 or 7, there will be more or less action here.
So, more map cutting today. We’re gonna cut the cellar map and make those small puzzle tiles to be able to build the cellar piece by piece.
DM maps, a very important, and often badly done job. I know, I have done bad DM maps myself, as when you create the adventure, everything seems to be so clear, so self explaining, but when you play, things looks different. That is one reason why I sometimes wait a few months after I’ve done an adventure before I play it, so it wont be fresh in memory.
And, Dundjinni was in a better mood today, so I could get the export to work.