We had so much fun, thanks to those who made characters and played O:FR at DragonDaze with us. I really saw how much interest there is in Lifeboard, so next step is to persuade Fallen Publishing to do a Print on Demand of it, and the rest of the stuff.
We also visited the Bovington Tank Museum on Friday.
We had the pleasure to play with several people, but this particular combination was a mind boggling.
Brits dressed up as Germans, playing Brits hunting Germans. A big cheer to members of the 304th Panzergrenadier Living History Group who seems tp really like O:FR.

As I’m in the midst of a move, and most of my gaming stuff now lives in cardboard boxes, I thought I had to release it, even though it’s not completely played through.
So here is the link: Code Red
And those knowing they are playing, don’t read.
The adventure Oh my head in Holyhead for Operation: Fallen Reich is now released on RPGNow as a downloadable PDF.
Please support 4Eyes adventure making for O:FR!
I updated the adventure links, I had missed that some older adventures pointed to files no longer at dropbox.
It’s all well again.
Happy New Year, and let’s celebrate it with a new, double adventure from Operation: Fallen Reich, Buried Secrets – Double Tap.
Check it out: http://4eyes.code66.se/?page_id=7858
I made a few small changes to FFBatchMaster 2, download it here: FFBatchMaster 2.0b2
I’ve finally got to edit the last past, it’s here!
The first adventure in the new series Buried Secrets for O:FR.
Buried Secrets – Stiff Upper Lip
Hello FilterForgers!
I’ve done a complete rewrite of FFBatchMaster and turned it into FFBatchMaster 2.0, this first release being version beta 1.
You can download it from here: FF Batch Master 2.0b1
and a security hole large as the moon allowed spammers to alter posts with bots.
Done some cleaning, I really hate Russian spammers, they should all be lined up and turned into pigfood!
We’ve decided to publish yet another company for O:FR, to follow up the good old BBC (Bombay Bicycle Club).
Download the PDF: HBT-Company (1.2MB)