Yes, finally I got the party together so I can play test There and back again?

As Håkan said: “What, have we been degraded from players to poor beta testers now?  But OK, we’re still having a ball when we play, so I can live with that.

I will report tomorrow, or late tonight, about the players reactions, and then I can estimate how much changes I need to do before I can release it.

Today, I should wear that t-shirt Thomas had last time he was DM “Chaotic Evil means never having to say you’re sorry” from thinkgeek, (The T-Shirt).

Time to get our self dirty with the nitty gritty of map decorations. For map mapmakers, the internet is a good resource, and for Dundjinni users, the forum has tens of thousands of images that you can use, most of them even in commercial adventures.But I will start as I usually do, to create a table and some stools to fill up the first room, where they Bladdish game is held. Yes, I know, I will explain what kind of game that is, later on, when we come to the adventure part of this story, so far it is about making the maps that goes with the story, one thing at a time.

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