Today I will make something else for DAZ 3D Studio, a fence. I’m trying to create a bunch of usable items that I could use to build scenes in DAZ 3D Studio, and yo always need a fence.
OK, Back to the crate making again, a revisit.
I’ve decided to make another crate using another texturing technique that will look much better as it will not look the same from all sides.
So, today we will finish the fireplace.
Still working on the map for All Guns Blazing, and I ned a fireplace, but a modern one.
I’m working on a map for my next adventure for Operation: Fallen Reich, with the working title Wicked Times – All Guns Blazing. And I need some special furniture for a map.
So, we now know how to setup a DAZ 3D Studio package so we can use the stuff made in Cheetah3D in DAZ 3D Studio. So far only for simple stuff like a box. And now I think it is time to show how it will look, and do at the same time fix the last piece of the puzzle.
As I said yesterday, DAZ 3D Studio has truckload of nice posable 3D objects, so many you could probably get ruined trying to collect them all. Playing with 3D is like a collecting card game, you never have enough bits and pieces.
As you know I am very fond of Cheetah3D and use it as my primary 3D modeler, but there is one application that is really cool, and that is DAZ 3D Studio, which is a free 3D tool. It is great as there are endless lists objects that you can purchase for a few bucks, or download for free, and as has posing, it is very good at working with posable objects with limitations, human bodies or animals, but also machines, vehicles etc.
Today we’re gonna make something I just wanted to hide from my players as this is crucial in the adventure Cricket & Crocodiles for Openration:Fallen Reich, and it would be a spoiler. We will make a crocodile amulet.
We got more things to do with those trapdoors, or more correctly more different things to do, so we can then render multitudes of them.